All lab members are expected to use Kanobo for documenting and organizing all lab-related tasks, including in-person experiments and remote work. Each person should be......
The Lab Overview aggregates the latest projects and experiments in the Lab and displays it in one page. Lab members set with the Collaborators role......
My Projects is where lab members can view projects they are members of, experiments they own, and entries they've authored in one place. Lab Admins......
My Action Items is where lab members can view open experiments, open comments, and open to-do list items in entries from open experiments. Open experiments......
Lab members can star any project, experiment, or entry. Once starred they will be added to the member's My Starred page....
Once a project is completed or abandoned, be sure to archive it instead of deleting it. It will be removed from the main views and......
Each project page contains a kanban view of its experiments. Each experiment can be dragged to change its status. Managing Experiments and Postmortems Each Project......
Each experiment page contains a set of notebook entries. Experiment Header Bar - Edit ā Edit the experiment's name, goals, owner, and due date. -......
Editing an entry is much like other document editors. File Attachments Drag and drop files into the file attachments area to upload files. Entry Tools......
Click your avatar to open the user side pane. These settings are site-wide and not specific to a lab. The logout button and lab selector......
Image Collections lets you compile images from Entries across any project into one collection. This is useful for linking figure images with their the source......
Use the Whiteboard tool to jot down project and experiment ideas before you start, so they don't get lost. Lab Members with the Collaborator role......