Privacy Policy

Your privacy is respected here

Your lab's data is your lab's property

We promise never to sell or mine your lab's data. This will never change. We do not share your information with other organizations for fun or profit. You will never see ads in our App. We will never use your data in ads. We will only use your data strictly for the necessary operation of the App. When you invite people to your lab the data they contribute is the property of the lab's owner.

How long will you keep my lab's data?

Your lab data will be kept as long as the Lab is has an active subscription. You can suspend your lab in Lab Settings to pause billing and we will store the data in a frozen state until you are ready to reactivate your billing again. If there is no activity for an extended period of time we will mark an account and its data for deletion. We will email you before this happens. You can also email us at once a Lab is suspended to request manual deletion.

You can access your data by using the App. If you are a Lab Owner and would like an export of your project data and files you can set up the daily backup sync to your lab's own S3-compatible could storage in the Lab Settings. If you need something specific, please email us at using your login email address.

Privacy Portal and GDPR Certification

Visit our comprehensive Privacy Portal and Data Inventory for detailed and up-to-date information on how and where your data is processed plus all the measures we take to keep your data is safe.


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